Sustainable Site Work
As part of an EPA Funded Brownfields Workforce Development Program Clay developed a five day curriculum and training in the basic job skills required to work on construction sites. From in class training in reading plans with an overview of wetland science and natural resource protection, to use of measuring equipment to set grades and estimate materials. In the field training included correct installation of erosion control measures, basic use of hand tools and job site safety training.
Storm Water Management
A major element of the Sustainable Site Work curriculum is a two day storm water management training. During this training students learn the basic ideas behind designing and sizing a storm water management system. Students also gained hands on experience maintaining and building various types of storm water best management practice such as, tree pits, rainwater harvesting systems and rain gardens.
Malden Summer Youth Program
The Bike Path Community Garden in Malden provides a great location for environmental education and summer jobs for Malden's high school students. As project manager for the garden Clay develop a summer program that uses the construction process as a teaching tool for youth to learn both hard job skills, such as applied math, field engineering, carpentry and landscaping and soft job skill such as team work, responsibility and leadership. During the course of construction high school students built all twenty six planting beds and acted as team leaders during a volunteer workday event with project sponsor.